Authors / The Team
General Manager - Mr. Adam Dave
[email protected]
Mercia Kruger
[email protected]
Being an extremely busy person in my personal life as well as my professional one, and being a very outdoors person, I don’t always have the time to put 60 products on my face morning and night. I have always looked for a product that can forfill my needs and one that can show results whether or not I use 10 or 5 products. With the Dr Baumann I found that I don’t have to have 10 products in my skincare regime, but products rather that will suit my lifestyle.
I finished my Diploma in Health and Skincare at Tina Scholtz in Potchefstroom and have been in the Industry since then. I found that I enjoy the managing & sales side of the industry more than the therapy and started to get as much experience in these two fields as possible. After 10 years of therapy, management and sales I still felt that there was something missing. Dr Baumann Cosmetics came into my life and I realised what my calling is, it is not just about the sales but about the education.
I love the fact that everyday I can go out there and fully know that what I am representing will not harm, damage or give cancer to the skin. I also love the fact that I get to work with people with the same way of thinking as my own. People that really want to make a difference. I do believe that one day everyone will look at skincare and think of the enviroment and become more animal friendly before just looking at how nice the product looks or smells. As a person that has lost 2 friends to cancer, I know first hand at what could have been done to prevent it. I am very concerned about the misguided information out there being given to the public about skincare, and that goes for the therapists as well.
The entire Cosmetics industry has been built on lies. It is time that some of us start to open peoples eyes to the dangers in their pretty and wonderfully designed products.
I know that in times to come, salons and spa’s will not just be a place to go and relax but will also be a place of trusted information where the public know they can get balanced, unbiased information and learn something new of benefit to their health and their skin on every visit.